I am sooooooo sleepy now because I did not sleep last night. I did not feel sleepy at all. Why not? Well, I woke up at around 10 o’clock, and did not take a nap whole day, so I must feel sleepy at night, right? But I didn’t. Hmm… what did I do?
Ah! I drank a cup of coffee at 10 p.m., so it might be the cause! But almost every night I drink coffee and the kind and amount of coffee I took last night was the same as usual. So… Isn’t coffee the cause?
By the way, does coffee really make us awake? What kind of advantages and disadvantages does it actually have? Is it good for our health or not? Wow. It seems that I have many questions about coffee and I do not have good knowledge about coffee at all! I think I should learn about coffee. Don’t you think so?
I like coffee, but the image I have about coffee is not so good, actually. So I want to know mainly about the advantages of drinking coffee.
According to the site, http://ajca.or.jp/health/index.html, coffee has great advantages to keep our body healthy.
1. Hangover
It’s good for us to drink a cup of coffee when we have a hangover. The cause of the headache when we have a hangover is caused by “acetaldehyde”. In order to recover from the headache, we must get acetaldehyde out of our body and must make blood circulates well through brain. Caffeine helps us to do that! (You know that coffee contains caffeine if it’s not decaf.) So we should drink coffee after having a drinking party with friends!!
2. Diet
Human being has two autonomic nerves, and one of them is called the sympathetic nerve. That nerve controls our appetite and helps fat to be vanished. Coffee helps the sympathetic nerve to function actively, and then it leads to have a rapid metabolism (代謝). In short, coffee helps us to digest fat, so if you care about the weight you can drink coffee!
3. In the morning
Many people drink a cup of coffee in the morning. Maybe you drink it in the morning? So, do you know why it is said that having coffee in the morning is good? In fact, a cup of coffee can make good blood circulate. When the circulation is really smooth, the energy goes well through our body and we can move actively. However, if you have coffee and do not eat anything, coffee can give damage to your stomach by activating the secretion of gastric juices. So please be careful.
4. Diabetes
Diabetes is one of a serious disease. Well, I have good news for you. Coffee can prevent us from diabetes! According to the study in Finland, the people who drank 3 ~ 4 cups of coffee a day have lower percentages of having diabetes. (Women is 29% lower and men is 27% lower.) Besides, women and men who drank 10 cups of coffee a day have 79% and 55% lower possibility to have that disease. By the way, Diabetes occurs when body can’t change sugar into energy properly or smoothly. It is said that chlorogenic acid which coffee contains can avoid this phenomena.
5. Cancer
Peroxidized lipid is the cause of cancer and aging or senility. Coffee has antioxidation effect, so it is said coffee may prevent cancer.
Wow! Coffee actually is good for our health! But we have to think about the good amount to take it. Too much is not so healthy, so maybe 3 cups a day is good.
I hope you can spend healthier days with coffee!
(The information is from http://ajca.or.jp/health/index.html)
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